Tailor-made Business Apps.
Delivered in Months Days.

Effortlessly automate workflows, manage data, and launch new products with ease

10 Days is all we need to


Versatile Business Apps Platform that enables
companies scale and innovate faster.

Tailor-Made for Your Business

Discover a technology solution tailored to fit YOUR needs perfectly, not the other way around.
Simplifii’s flexible architecture adapts seamlessly to your business's evolving needs, hassle-free.

Zero Effort

Make Informed Decisions

Simplifii enables the collection of common data points that are otherwise dispersed across email,
Whatsapp, Excel, Word and other applications.

After-all, if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.

Our Customers Love Us

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It, Hear It From Them

It’s The Innovation Enabler Your Team Needs

With Simplifii You Don’t Have To Choose Between Speed and Control

Simplifii is the Jet Fuel for Digital Transformation of
your Business

Rocket Image

JumpStart your digital journey